Kevin Bacon

Six Degrees of Separation

DP - Sesse Lindt
Filmed in New York, in this short and ironic video, I asked Hollywood actor Kevin Bacon, to play against inself in Six Degrees of Separation.

If you type almost any famous person’s name into Google followed by “Bacon Number”, it will tell you how connected they are to the actor Kevin Bacon - Donald Trump has a Bacon Number of two. Ditto Kim Kardashian.

Before the fun was taken out of it by algorithms, “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” was a good game to play if you were a movie buff. Inspired by “six degrees of separation” – the theory that says nobody is more than six people away from any other person in the world – the game was devised back in 1994 by three classmates at Albright College in Pennsylvania, while idly watching a Mr Bacon movie marathon on TV.

Filmed at Milk Studios in New York
